Friday, August 20, 2010

He Rescued Me.

For the past several days I have been intently working on my support letters for Guatemala. I've been so focused on completing them that I barely left room in my mind for anything else. But, tonight...I sealed the last envelope. 

Sometimes in life we get so caught up in what we're doing at the moment, that we forget the purpose of why we started it. Take me for instance. I was laboring away at those support letters. I had a one mind track. And it was to finish them. But why? Why was I working on support letters? Because I'm going to Guatemala. I'm moving to a third world country to be a missionary. Why? Because I love Jesus with my whole heart. And I've experienced His love in such a way that radically changed me. And I want to take that love that I the world. Let us not get so wrapped up in the work, in the action. That we forget the WHY. 

Tonight, I was watching this documentary on missions. And while I was staring at the screen, God came and He clearly said, "Look. Look at how I've rescued you." It truly amazes me. 3 years ago I thought nothing was wrong with me. I thought that I just moved in with my aunt and uncle, started going to church, and now look! "I'm saved, I'm a christian, I love Jesus!" But..clearly that wasn't the case. I was lost. I was lost in utter darkness. I didn't know who I was and I was willing to do whatever was needed to figure that out. Things started going wrong in my family. They were changing and I didn't like the outcomes. Then, here they come. John & Patty MacManamy. My rescuers. My heroes. I know that Jesus sent them into my life to come and save me. And they did. They came just in time. I was about to die. Emotionally and Spiritually. That's the moment that God came and picked me up. God is made strong in our weaknesses. He picks us up off the ground. After we've been kicked and stomped on. And He dusts us off. BUT, not only does He do that. He stands us up, and empowers us to be leaders. It's true. That's my story. The story of how God took a lost little girl, and turned her into a powerful, bold disciple.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sushi! Great Blog and I loved reading your story! It is a wonderful journey you are on! See your face soon!
