Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Changing Lives

As a student in the Bible School, Instituto Biblico: EnseƱanza de Agua Viva, I was given the chance to participate in the student campaign this past week. It's essentially the same as going on the summer youth campaigns that I've been going on the last 3 years. So, initially I wasn't super excited. But before I left someone told me, "Don't let your mindset be that it's just another campaign. Everyday think about what God is capable of doing. Look for the miracles!" This dramatically changed my thinking. I went on that campaign with faith expecting to see God move.

God certainly took control of everything during the week. We were able to present the drama 21 times in 3 days, and more than 1,500 people came to know Christ that week. I went on that campaign expecting to see God change lives, and He did. But what I didn't go expecting was that He would change mine too. Honestly, since I've moved to Guatemala God has opened my eyes and changed my heart and my thinking about many things. I didn’t think that He’d do it again, but He did. He used this campaign to shake up my world, again. He continually surprises me with His goodness.
The desires I have about changing the world are growing, and I never thought it was possible. But they’re growing in new ways. My mind is expanding and the dreams I have are getting bigger. Even though at the moment I don’t know what I’ll be doing in 2 years or even in 2 months, I’m not worried at all. God reminded me of how faithful He is. And how He loves a cheerful follower. So, I’ll be that. In the natural it looks irresponsible to not worry or be concerned. Even to some believers it looks wrong. But that’s not the case. I don’t need my 10 year plan ready at hand. I have it, and it’s God’s plan. What more do I need than to be so wrapped up in what God’s doing? Nothing. That’s it. God is good. That’s the plan I follow. That’s the story I’m telling.  
At the hospital in HueHue.

Giving my testimony & Leading the altar call prayer

At the orphanage in HueHue. These kiddos stole my heart!



In March 2011 I was given the opportunity to go on one of Living Water Teaching's Medical Campaigns. It was very successful and we were able to treat over 3,000 people. There was this one guy in particular that I think changed us all. His name is Manuel. 

When we first arrived in the city we noticed this drunk always hanging around. He was continually walking up to us asking us for food and money. One night after a church service this same guy was layed out in the middle of the street, passed out. We went out there to check on him. When we noticed that he was still alert we started ministering to him. One of our members continued to pick him up by the collar of his shirt and began speaking God's promises over him. We just kept telling him that the devil has no authority. And eventually, in his drunken state, he agreed to accept Christ. Honestly I didn't think anything would happen. He was drunk and didn't know what he was doing. But I was wrong.
 The next day we saw this same guy showered with clean clothes and standing in the line of our medical clinic! He was treated and the gospel was presented to him again! THEN, the last night we were there we were walking back to our rooms and we saw all these kids standing around our door. It was Manuel, his wife, his mother-in-law, and all 6 of his children. They all had come to tell us how grateful they were that we had come. This man's life was radically changed in a matter of 3 days. 

Most of the time we don't see the harvest, we only know we're sowing good seeds. But don't get discouraged. This experience taught me that God is always moving, even when we don't see Him. Continue to sow into people's lives. Maybe you won't see the reaping of the harvest, but it's there. Have faith. 

"So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith." 
Galatians 6:9