Have you thought about it? What's your story about? We all have one. Every one of us. If you were to get out a piece of paper right now, right this instant..and started writing your story..what would it be like? What would it say?
What standards are you living by? Do you look around and compare yourself to the ones around you? You do that because it makes you feel better about yourself? No. We don't live by the standards of this world. If we do, then our story is going to be all about us. That's not that way it should be. We were called to something bigger. 1 Peter 2:21 says, "To this you were called, Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps." We have the perfect example. Jesus Christ. He came and showed us how we are to live. So, why aren't we pursuing His life? Let us not get entangled by the world we live in. Let us live out our calling. Our destiny. Live for Jesus Christ. Live for something bigger than yourself. And your story will be become bigger than you too.
It's our choice. It's simple. Choose Life. Surrender everything to God. He's not going to look you over. He sees you. He wants to talk to you and show you what He's had planned for you from the very beginning. Even BEFORE the very beginning. Don't give this world a chance to catch you. Genesis 4:7 says, "But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." We MUST chase after God with a never ending perseverance. Throw off everything that slows you down. And sprint..in an all out pursuit for God. Because, when you're running as fast as you can for Jesus...nothing can touch you. Nothing can catch you.
Inspiring Susanna. These words are wise and they give me encouragement. You are pursuing the One who pursued you first and it's beautiful-just beautiful. Keep running for Him. :)