Close your eyes. Imagine it's early Christmas morning. You're 5 years old and your little body just can't wait to jump out of bed and see what's inside those wrapped packages. Do you remember that feeling? I do. That feeling comes quite often to me. Every time I get a new idea, it comes. Every time I get excited, it comes. God wants us to have all our desires and dreams, but He wants us to do things in the right order.
"But seek FIRST his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33
Isn't that great? This verse is telling us that we can have everything! God doesn't want us to give up on our dreams and visions. He wants us to have every single part, lacking nothing! We're just instructed to look for Him first and THEN we'll also get those dreams, desires and visions.
The first time I traveled to Guatemala I was 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. When I got back I was ready to pack up and leave. I didn't want to wait or graduate from high school. I wanted to go back to Guatemala immediately. No wait necessary, right? Wrong. God wasn't finished with me and I had a lot of growing up to do. But if you haven't realized....I DID get to go to Guatemala. I didn't lack one single thing. But I did have to do first things 1st.
And now, I have so many visions and dreams for my ministry in Guatemala. I want the plans to be finalized. I want the lives to start being changed. You want to know what I can do? I can start writing out my vision. I can start praying and believing for the finances and the lives that will be affected. And I can take a step of faith. That's what I can do right now. That's what I will do. I don't lose faith and I don't lose hope. I gain it knowing God is on my side and He joins my vision. He helps me finalize the plans and change lives.
Do things in the right order. First things 1st.
Then, it's a happy ending for all of us.