Some may say that I've already given up a lot. I moved out of my country to an unknown land where anything can happen. But, when I examine myself and my faith...I am not satisfied. There is so much more that I could be doing. I'm in a 3rd world country where children are dying everyday. And just what am I doing to help? How safe is my lifestyle? Am I stepping out of my comfort zone?
I want to take steps of faith. I took a step of faith in coming to Guatemala. Now that I'm here I know that God really wants to take my life and use it. Currently I work in a private school as a teacher. I love my job. I love those kids. But those kids were born into Christian families and are being brought up in the ways of the Lord. Those kids have clothes to wear and food to eat everyday. When my heart was introduced to missions those weren't the kids that immediately came to mind. If you take a drive around the city you'll see children on the streets everywhere you look. They beg for money and offer a pitiless job in return. They can't attend school because their families wouldn't make it without their little income. THOSE are the kids that I have in my heart so deeply.
I want God's big dreams to turn into a reality in my life. But I have to analyze my faith and ask, "How much do I trust God? How much am I willing to lose?" I was listening to a lady speak once and she was reading Luke 14:26 which says, "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple." Then God questioned her, "Are you willing to lay down your own life and the lives of your children for me?" I'm not a parent so I don't what it's like to love your own child. I don't know that type of love. But when I heard this it struck me. What am I willing to give?
So, today I ask you the same question. What are you willing to sacrifice for Jesus Christ? What are you willing to lose? Examine your life, your faith, and what's in your heart. Be honest and answer truthfully. Be prepared with what God's bringing in your direction. And be ready to accept the mission without fear. You will be amazed at what God can and will do with your life. Just be willing. Be willing to let go. It takes faith.
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!'
-Matthew 25:23
"No one's ever seen or heard anything like this, Never so much as imagined anything quite like it—What God has arranged for those who love him."
-1 Corinthians 2:9
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple."
-Luke 14:26